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Tuesday 12 July 2011

Family stories - The Crocodile Hunter

12 July 2011

After collecting supplies from the local Woollies supermarket (Bribery for the long walks ahead) we took a short detour to visit Jeff and Dianne (John's first cousin living in Darwin). It was great to have Dianne fill the kids with stories of her Aboriginal heritage. All three were hanging on her every word as she described her job of having to feed the crocodiles everyday when she was a child..

Dianne's dad used to be what they called a Crocodile Hunter. He would catch the crocs, take them home and fatten them up. Di's job was to feed them every day and make sure they had clean water. After about two months they would kill them, clean out their insides, fill them with sand and sell them. (I presume to tourists) So I suppose he was a crocodile taxidermist!!

After stories like that the kids were very keen to set off and view a few crocs of their own. Alive!!

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